Stage 1
Read in user input on their job description.
Using Australian Skills Classification dataset:
Identify skills/title and classify to closest ANZSCO job code.
Identify the nearest neighbours based on skills.
Using latest Data Detail Occupation dataset:
Join vacancy rates to ANZSCO job codes.
Display role correlations as a map to with distance on X-axis being proportional to increase in skills for transition, and distance on Y-axis being job vacancies.
Display users current classified skill level against skills require for new roles.
Pull in ABS API data and use it to gain insights into roles.
Allow users to filter based on location.
Future Work
Fully host and embed program on web portal.
Incorporate other ways of getting input from the user, such as chatbots or resume uploads.
Allow users to search for a target job through filter.
Allow users to filter based on other identifiers.
Display users with the most in demand skills in their local area.
Display links to external resources:
Additional courses and avenues to upskill.
Career planning resources.
Incorporate other resources:
Read in job postings (ie. from Seek, Government job boards) and display results when users delve deeper.